Friday, February 10, 2012


You guys know what a diary is?
You write down all your daily experiences in it, and state the date and the time when it is written down. You wrote about your crush, your awkward moment, even your bad times.
That is a diary.

Why did I mentioning to you guys about a diary?
Well, its actually happened a few weeks back
when me and my family are all packing our stuffs to move into a new house.
Suddenly my brother said something to me about he found a diary that mentioned his name in it.
That diary belongs to our father.
And he wrote about his life long experiences in that year 1996 diary.
The first two pages i ve read is all about the day my brother was born, which is in 3rd January 1996.
He was so happy that the fact his son is well delivered and physically perfect.

All and all, i was touched by reading his diary.
Well, i never expected my father to be somewhat a nice guy,
who wrote about his family, the people that he really loves and care about.
He even mentioned my name in it. He used to take me to the playground and bawa pegi jalan-jalan by his motorcycle. Well, i dont even remember that until i read his diary. Lol

P/s : I wanna to wrote myself a diary, so that my son or even my grandchildren knows and proud of what i've been doing or what i've been through when i was in their circle of age :)

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